First Charitable Investment Trust
managed by
MN Petroleum Supplies Ltd
All shareholders are welcome to attend our 50th quarterly shareholders meeting 
commencing 7 pm on Saturday 7th December 2013.
Shareholders 59 (59)
Average attendance 9 (9)
Current share price £95.30 (£87.38)
Stock value £64,945 (£58,272)
Proposed dividend 4.5% (4.5%)
Received dividend 5.05% (5.50%)
Dividends agreed September meeting
Dividends payable December meeting
Dividend income £3286 (£3628) 
Charitable donation £408 this year (£5,484 total)
Charities and Emergency appeals 30
Net assets £155,625 (£133,956)
Shares issued 1633 (1533)
Holdings 20 (22)
The First Charitable Investment Trust was established 3rd December 1999 and is now an open ended investment trust operated as an investment club and is managed by the
MN Petroleum Supplies Ltd company which is registered at Companies House

Our investment trust is registered with Proshare Clubs at along with many investment clubs,which can be accessed on the Internet. Our website continues to be developed to assist in growing the trust, informing our members, raising funds for charity and obtaining new members.

 For assistance with any questions please ring or write to the above or email
Still growing with God’s help.

Alex Rugg - Managing Director