New Shareholders are always Welcome to The First Charitable Investment Trust.
Investment decisions are made quarterly by trustees elected by the shareholders. The trust is administered by MN Petroleum Supplies Limited.
The investment trust is not regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
There are 3 classes of Ordinary Shares :-
Fully Paid up Shares
Subscription Shares
Discounted Subscription Shares
A guide to the recent cost of shares is given quarterly in our report, however these will of course vary dependent on the financial markets.
Wealth Warning - Remember : The value of your investments and income from them can go down as well as up. You may not get back the full amount you invested.
For further information on joining the Trust as an ordinary shareholder member please write or call :-
The Secretary Director
The First Charitable Investment Trust
Abbey Lodge
33 Tunnel Hill
England UK
(0044) 07970 338808